Saturday, June 14, 2008

This is how I rate a movie ...

Ok! I have had many discussions (and I truly enjoyed all of them) on how do I rate a movie. How do I say that a movie is good, bad or ugly (it fails !). Here it goes my marking scheme.

1. Content (50 marks)
This one area can make or break a movie. Now, people might have different expectations on what exactly the content means. Content is based on the following 4 sub-parameters:
- The Story - 25 marks (and yes ... it includes a proper ending)
- Justice to the movie's Genre - 10 marks (I don't want to see a horror movie when the expectation set by promos is that of a comedy)
- The Basics - 10 marks (For heaven's sake, we are in the 21st century ... let the past go ... I simple won't appreciate movies that don't live up to the times that we are living in)
- The Songs - 5 marks (Wondering why such less weightage to this one? ... Don't want to be unfair to English movies)

2. The Presentation (30 marks)
I have always maintained (unlike people who say that content is what that matters) that it takes a good presentation to take you to the content. If your presentation is not good, no one will bother to see the content. Here is what will go into the presentation.
- The pace of the movie (has to be right) - 5 marks
- The set design - 5 marks
- The costumes - 5 marks
- The packaging - 5 marks (Yes ... promos do make an impression)
- The look and the feel of the movie - 10 marks (I am allowed to be arbit at times :) )

3. The Actors - 20 marks
Need I say more !

Ok ... All this is fine .. but how would i describe a movie .. depending on the marks ...

<33 - Well ... this is fail even in board examinations .. do I have a choice
33-50 - Below Expectations
51-75 - Met Expecatations
>75 - Exceeds Expecatations
Yes! Accenture has a huge rub off on me .... Lets start rating movies now !

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